Montag, 4. Januar 2016

Flying Home for Christmas

Day 147 !!

On December 19th, I flew home to Germany to spend Christmas there. I was so extremely excited !!
I couldn't really believe that I'm really going home. When the plane landed in Berlin, I was so relieved. That everything worked (bus to NYC, bus to JFK, plane to Berlin). That I was in Germany again.

JFK airport

My parents picked me up from the airport and for me, it was like I was dreaming. Everything looked the same! At home too and I felt as if I never went to the US. Of course, it was only 4 months, but it felt like so much more.

The plane left on Saturday at 6pm and arrived on Sunday at 7am. Yay time zones! Of course I wasn't able to sleep during the flight so I was tired as hell all day long. But I went to bed at a normal time and I didn't have jetlag at all. I slept SO good in my own bed.

During my time at home, I met a lot of my friends and I spent Christmas with my family. The fun thing was that my family (except from my parents) didn't know that I was coming. SURPRISE! There was a lot of hugging and crying going on.

 It was perfect. I had so much fun. My friends, my family, the food, my own bed, Germany. How much I missed everything and everybody.

Of course the 10 days were over way too fast. 

Going back to the US was more difficult than going there for the first time ...

But I was looking forward to spending New Year's Eve in New York City !

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