Last week, I went to a German Au pair's house and she has a huge TV with actual channels! So we watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. Not the best program, but yay TV !!
Apart from that, last weekend was absolutely great again.
A friend I know from High School back in Germany came to visit me. She's stuyding in Boston at the moment, so she took the bus to Syracuse and I picked her up Friday night.
It was like nothing changed. I've been here for only two months yet but it feels like so much more. So I guess not much changed, except from the continent :p

On Saturday, we drove with another Au pair to Syracuse again because my friend told me she didn't go shopping yet and SHE'S NEVER BEEN TO THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY. OhMyGod.
So we spent the day in the mall and got new clothes (no idea how to get all of that stuff back to Germany) and ate cheesecake. So. Good. I just can't believe how good that cheesecake is. And why we don't have it in Europe.
In Ithaca, we ate at Taco Bell. Another first time for me!
On Sunday, we took my hostparents' camera on our walk through Ithaca and at the end of the day, we had more than 1.000 photos, I am not kidding.
First we went to the Farmer's Market and then to Ithaca Falls which are close to my house.
We went the Cascadilla Trail up to Cornell, had lunch at Collegetown Bagels and walked around Cornell. We even climbed up the tower on campus and had a beautiful view over Ithaca and the lake.
I feel like my English is not the best today, so I apologize for any mistakes :p
In the evening, we drove to Purity to eat the best ice cream in town! And then we looked through the +1000 photos and we definitely didn't get enough sleep.
On Monday we walked to the lake, to Aldi and then to the Commons. Yes, a lot of walking. And a lot of eating. Part of the commons was evacuated cause apparently there was a bomb threat. In Ithaca! But nothing happened.
In the evening, we drove to Starbucks and watched our favorite German TV series at home.
Oh, by the way, Monday was a holiday - Columbus day. So I didn't have to work.
Tuesday, unfortunately, I had to bring her back to Syracuse. Even the weather was appropriate. It was warm and sunny all weekend long, but on Tuesday it started raining when we were in the car.
The goodbye at the bus station was quite terrible for me. It felt a bit like at the airport in Berlin when I came here.
You know, Ithaca is not bad. Sometimes it gets quite boring ... But I have this wonderful hostfamily and my Aupair buddies. Nevertheless it's not the same as with a friend you've known for 8 years. This place felt more like home last weekend ... Oh, well. I survived the week, it's weekend again, time to have fun!
Sending love to wherever you are,
Christin xo
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