Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2015

And The Story Goes On

It's time to do or die!

Since my last blog post, I worked on my application and now I have most of the things that I need. I still have to do some creative work, like writing a letter to my future host family and shooting a video in which I introduce myself. Oh well, actually these are the most difficult things, but I have vaccation at the moment so I have some time to do that.

At least I have proper equipment now, because I do have a camera, but not a high quality one. So I begged my friends for their help and now I'm the proud owner of a reflex camera and a camcorder. I seriously love these things, I might never give them back :p

Profile pic!
Speaking of cameras and friends, the other day I went for a walk with a friend and we did a little photo shoot to resolve my profile pic problem (see last post). And surprisingly we were quite successful! What do you think?

During the next days, I'm gonna write my letter and shoot the video and I think I'll upload the video on YouTube for you to see! If anybody's interested.

Thanks for reading, I'd appreciate a comment if you have tips or if my profile pic looks terrible or if you want to tell me anything else.

I'm gonna end this post with my motto for the next days:

"The bridge between dreams and reality is hard work." - Jared Leto

Christin xo 

4 Kommentare:

  1. The pic is great! Great camera + talented friend = awsome pic ^^ You look like Björk here ^^ Wish you're video will be eipc! Do not forget to have fun while making :) And the motto chosen by you is one of my favourites :)

    1. thank you ! :)
      haha, really? I just googled her. Maybe a bit :p

  2. I think that's a great profile pic for your application, you look warm and friendly and well presented, definitely no grumpycatness going on in that photo :-)
    Good luck with the video
    Cortana xo

    1. thanks so much! ♥
      I did my best not to look like Grumpy Cat :p
