The most difficult task is done! Go me! It was not easy, but it was a lot of fun.
At the beginning I had no idea what to put in the video, because there's so much to say and it has to fit in only 2 minutes. So I watched what felt like one hundred application videos of other Au pairs and I kinda took their best ideas and made them mine. Thanks for the inspiration, guys!
I wanted to film outside, which was impossible because it was too windy. Then I wanted to film myself, but my hair just didn't want to look good. For some parts of the video, my dad was my camera man, but he forgot to push the "record" button. Yesterday I was at a friend's house and we needed an hour to shoot 10 seconds. It was hysterical, my face hurt cause we laughed so much.
The cutting was rather easy and eventually, the video was finished. Actually that's almost a miracle, considering all the difficulties :p
However, here we are.
Are you ready?
(I hope this works)
I'd really appreciate a comment if you like it. Also if you don't like it. Just write "like" or "ugh my eyes hurt".
Thank you for reading & watching & hopefully commenting ;)
Christin xo
P.S.: Thanks also to my friends for their help (in case you are reading this). I love you!