Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

Making dreams reality

"All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney

As you probably noticed, I'm writing in English now cause (hopefully) more people will read my blog then. My English is very far from perfect, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Native speakers, I hope it doesn't hurt too much to read this :p

Today was the last day of my vacation so I thought it would be a good idea to work on my Au pair application. I even made a checklist! And let me tell you, it's a very. long. list. You don't believe how many things you have to get in order to complete your application (I hope my fellow Au pairs reading this agree). But I'm fine with that and I understand why it is important to put the Au pairs through their paces. It's exhausting, but I am motivated! I mean, I'm on the best way to make one of my dreams come true. That's something, huh?

How I look like on photos
Speaking about dreams, I dream about getting a decent photo of myself. Seriously. You need a profile pic for your application side and I wanted to choose one today, but none of the pics that exist of me (yet) are suitable. I wanna look nice and friendly and all that stuff. Well, I am nice and friendly and everything ... I hope ... but on photos I look like Grumpy Cat. That's my biggest obstacle right now, taking a good photo. Go me!

That's it for today. Thanks for reading!

(It feels a bit like I'm talking to myself, but ... you're there. I think. Right?)

Stay classy + motivated!


P.S.: No post about dreams without my all time favorite band (LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM) 30 Seconds to Mars. Enjoy this song (follow the link), it's called Closer to the Edge and it makes me feel a certain kind of way every time I listen to it. It's a very special song. 

Montag, 5. Januar 2015

And so it begins

Das Jahr 2015 hat gerade begonnen und ich fange auch mit meiner Bewerbung als Au pair bei AIFS an. Yaaayy! Nach einigen Startschwierigkeiten kann ich endlich alle Dokumente, Referenzen und was ich sonst noch brauche zusammentragen. (Hoffentlich schaffe ich das alles ... *fingers crossed*

Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mich während meiner Vorbereitung und dann auch während meines Aufenthaltes in Amerika begleitet. Das hier ist mein erster Blog, also seid bitte nicht allzu streng, ich kenne mich noch nicht so gut aus :p

Bis dahin,
eure Christin xo

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